Joe Kovaleski

Order early to get on the list – Shipping to start approximately June 1st

Carniolan VSH (open mated daughters raised from Adam Finkelstein’s II Breeder Queens) – $45 each

“Ankle-biter” Queens (open mated daughters raised from Purdue II Breeder Queens) – $45 each
(Legs chewed on varroa mites groomed off by other bees within the colony)

Open-mated Mite Mauler hybrid VSH cross – $45 each (Excellent overwintering and mite chewing)

Virgin Queens also available – $25 each

Queens are shipped in 3 hole cages with candy and attendants unless otherwise requested.

Instrumentally Inseminated Queens upon request.  (Training and certification received through insemination classes taken with Joe Latshaw (Latshaw Apiaries), Adam Finkelstein / Kelly Rausch (VP Queens), and advanced II certification by Garrett Dodds (USDA ARS).


Shipping cost $12 Priority (2-3 day) USPS (up to 10 queens can be shipped in one box – note: insurance will add to this cost)

Shipping UPS ground or next day air or any other means upon request – call for pricing.

Pickup is also available.